After coming out of what was a really difficult summer, I'm trying to change my mindset about life. I'm working on moving forward with the motto "have the day you're gonna have". If I remember correctly that quote is from a movie called The Odd Life of Timothy Green after the mom says "have a good day" he says that's too much pressure so she changes it up to "have the day you're gonna have". I think it's important for me to stop thinking in such a black and white way. When you have a chronic illness a day is not wholly good or entirely bad, its a mixed bag of everything because things can change minute to minute. Having the mindset that its okay for things to be not okay has helped take some of the pressure off. Along with this philosophy I'm on some new medications that are really making my life easier by suppressing adrenaline rushes which not only helps me not pass out but also makes me less irritable. I feel like I finally get to be the real me, and I also feel like I can handle my life more. So yay for medication that actually help at the root of the problem and don't make me crazy with side effects! Since I've at least been feeling less overwhelmed I decided to do something fun and make an Instagram account so I can share all my knitting projects:) It's amazing that something so simple can make you feel like you're accomplishing something with your day.
As I move forward towards getting healthier I'm going to have the day I'm gonna have and have that be enough. Because I don't have to wait to be healthy to be happy, or accomplished or have a worth while day, I can have that right now. It'll all be mixed in with some hard, bad days but I think taking the day for the good that is has to offer instead of worrying about the state of where my life is as a whole has some merit to it.
So for anyone who is having a hard life I say lovingly, "Have the day you're gonna have!" ;)
P.S. If you want to follow along with my knitting adventures check out my instagram @knickknacknursery

I really like this motto! It's a good thought for practicing acceptance.
ReplyDeleteThank you! Its always nice to have a motto when you're trying to learn and apply new ways of thinking and accepting:)